P r o c e s s
My work is not planned out except that I know I will create a figure. With a brush I'll start with a simple symetrical shape or outline. I slowly intersect this shape with broad lines of energy and convergence points. A head and body area appears. Then in a stream of consciousness sort of way, I work in finer details of movement and color. Some take months and some may take years to complete, though the actual time spent range from only 3 to 20 hours.
At times I will think a painting is finished, take a photo of it, then later realize I need to resolve more in the image - see more detail - focus. This happened more so with the earlier works as I was just coming out from a period of creating quick, finished figure paintings from live models. As I was now mimicing this process, (but through my imagination and intuition) I was eventually unsatisfied with my unresolved fantastical forms because they were not real enough.
The initial start of the painting is so quick and spontaneous. Being caught in the moment, this initial impact houses all the main image. It is then a matter of focussing, like you would a lens to a camera. But this focussing seems to happen at a later time when I can align myself up to the image again and 'understand' and see more. This "seeing" is never a case of knowing what to do exactly, but of just engaging myself into the painting at the right moment in time and space.
My paintings and their process is a continual exploration, development and understanding of why I am visualizing these bodies of light. I let them educate me about who and what I am.