"Metanomacies explores the relationship between body energy patterns, subconscious symbols and the human logos."

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uptown article
courtesy of uptown magazine
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The paintings that make up the Metanomacies exhibit are the product of explorations into the unseen layers of our being. Robert Pasternak has long been on the vangard of our collective search for a deeper understanding of our world. These paintings are reflections of the searcher, more so than the treasures of the search. There are no experts in the field who see the entire picture, rather each of us have our piece of the puzzle. This however, will never prevent us from seeking the larger Truth - the big picture - and attempt to communicate it to each other.

"-The ultimate task of the mind is to envision the unseen as clearly as the visible.
 -The nature of reality transcends language.
 -Visible objects are symbols of invisible forces.
 -We don't own our consciousness, we inhabit it."

Wayne Teasdale

Communication becomes more difficult when the language lacks the vocabulary to describe the subject. Science can take us only so far on this path because it limits it's search to what can be measured, observed and then proved. This approach indicates a mechanistic world view, a paradigm that first ignores all other sources of gnosis, then defines the limits of our world for us. Science and language describe the course, material plane of existance, while art may offer insights into what lies beyond the veil.

This exhibit explores the concept that the human form is made up of many layers of matter and energy. Does our physical form arise from our etheric form, or is it a symbol referring to it? Pasternak is painting portraits of his human being without the body present. There are many names for the higher vibrations of energy: spirit, soul, astral body and aura. Our Being is a convergence of these patterns, a gestalt. Painting such subject matter, Pasternak has chosen an iconic approach. He is inventing or re-inventing symbols to represent that which eludes our eyes but not our mind.

The creation of Metanomacies involved a departure from the usual process. This was an inner journey of intuition with few guideposts along the way. The concept of archetypes became important because it represented something that was common to all of us. An archetype is a primordial mental image inherited by everyone - a pattern in the psyche expressed symbolically. Metanomacies are a kind of etheric blueprint of our cosmic D.N.A. The purpose of the work is to find that which connects all human beings, and to attempt to create iconic symbols to inform us in our search.

"In the end, words will only go so far. The paintings themselves are the true medium for communucation between individuals and with ourselves. sources of gnosis, then defines the limits of our world for us. Science and language describe the course, material plane of existance, while art may offer insights into what lies beyond the veil."

Scott Anderson

"I think of our bodies, our minds and our breath as housing great synergistic and universal powers. I believe in the idea that we have not finished evolving. So, I like to conceptualize through these meditational paintings on the incredible light-beings that we are and see where that takes us."

Robert Pasternak